Monday, February 3, 2020

Looking into Production Companies

This officially marks the next phase of my project. Now I begin to look at different production companies, look at scripting, and create my budget for my film. But for this post for today…

Image result for a24"I wanted to focus strictly on different production companies and which one would work best for my film. Because of my film being in the genre coming of age genre, most of the other films are made with independent film productions such as: FOCUS FEATURES, A24, and New Line Cinema.

A24 is a producer of low-budget independent films. Not many coming of age films are made using big movie productions, unless its animated like Inside Out (2015) and The Little Mermaid (1989).  My film will not be favorited by kids, mainly because of its rating, but most families wouldn't be subject to see it, so using A24 and a production company may be the best way to go.

In order to be convincing to the production company A24, I would have to pitch my idea as original and never done before. I'm hoping that would be convincing enough for them to invest in my films. Most money would be earned from streaming platforms to be honest. Of course, box office sales would go to A24, but also Blue-Ray and DVD bought from teenage/adult consumers would earn a lot of the money back.

As for distribution, I again would want to use A24 for distribution. When it comes to A24, some of the low budget films such as Lady Bird (2017) made a big profit from their film. That gives me a chance for my low-budget film to make everyone's money back AND make a huge profit off of the movie if the film is loved by enough people and is "hyped" properly.  I'm very hopeful that my film will turn out great and A24 accepts my proposal.

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